Monday, April 14, 2008

How I created a fiction of being a Men's Rights Activist

I have found it to be fun to pretend to be a Men's Rights Activist while I support IMBRA, and privately believe me are Knuckle Dragging Cretins. Its fun to pretend to be Men's Rights Activists who I can accuse of approving of the Rape of their Children.

Its so much fun to pretend to be somebody else.

1 comment:

Randall Shake said...

How funny this. Is. This website. Called. Woman of Fake. Steele.

You see. There is a femi. nazi. Named Robin. Steele.

She has a. Blog. It is called. Women of. Steele.

But Someone else. Made a parody. Site. To make. Fun of her. Site.

He called it. Women of FAKE Steel. Instead of Steele.

Get it? That's funny. Because instead of Steele. He called it.

Fake Steel. That's why women are so scared. Because of intellegence like.
